Defiant: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has spoken in an exclusive interview with a Chinese newspaper and said he will remain in Hong Kong and fight any extradition bid from the U.S.

  • Edward Snowden spoke with the South China Morning Post on Wednesday
  • He exposed more details about U.S. surveillance targets in China
  • He said he will remain in Hong Kong and fight any extradition bid
  • He believes the government is ‘bullying’ Hong Kong to extradite
  • Snowden’s whereabouts in Hong Kong are still unknown

By Lydia Warren

Edward Snowden, the former CIA analyst behind the NSA leaks, has claimed that the U.S. government has been hacking Hong Kong and Chinese networks for at least four years.

In his first interview since he revealed himself on Sunday, the 29-year-old whistleblower told the South China Morning Post that the NSA has hacked the country’s universities, businesses and politicians.

He claimed the agency had hundreds of targets – including the Chinese University of Hong Kong – from as far back as 2009, but that these were just a fraction of the 61,000 NSA hacking operations carried out globally.

He added that none of the documents revealed any information about Chinese military systems.

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Defiant: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has spoken in an exclusive interview with a Chinese newspaper and said he will remain in Hong Kong and fight any extradition bid from the U.S.Defiant: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has spoken in an exclusive interview with a Chinese newspaper and said he will remain in Hong Kong and fight any extradition bid from the U.S.

‘We hack network backbones – like huge internet routers, basically – that give us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands of computers without having to hack every single one,’ he explained.

The hour-long interview, which took part in a secret location on Wednesday, came after Snowden fled to Hong Kong from his home in Hawaii on May 20 after leaking sensitive documents about the NSA.

 His actions have been both praised and condemned globally, with some hailing him a hero while others, including House Speaker John Boehner, calling him a traitor.

But in the exclusive interview, he said: ‘I’m neither traitor nor hero. I’m an American.’

He said he will stay in Hong Kong to fight any extradition bid from the U.S, and he hit back against people who have called his choice to flee to Hong Kong a gamble.

Sighting: A woman believed to be the mother of Snowden's girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, is pictured outside her home in Annapolis, Maryland on Wednesday morningSighting: A woman believed to be the mother of Snowden’s girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, is pictured outside her home in Annapolis, Maryland on Wednesday morning
Distraught: Miss Mills, whose mother is pictured outside her Maryland home on Wednesday, has not been seen since her boyfriend Edward Snowden revealed himself as the whistleblowerDistraught: Miss Mills, whose mother is pictured outside her Maryland home on Wednesday, has not been seen since her boyfriend Edward Snowden revealed himself as the whistleblower

‘People who think I made a mistake in picking HK as a location misunderstand my intentions,’ he said. ‘I am not here to hide from justice; I am here to reveal criminality.

‘My intention is to ask the courts and people of Hong Kong to decide my fate. I have been given no reason to doubt your system.’

It is believed the U.S. is pursuing a criminal investigation against Snowden, and on Tuesday, sources said officials were preparing to bring charges against him. No extradition request has yet been filed.


‘The United States government is trying to bully the Hong Kong government into extraditing me’

Edward Snowden

In another clip of the interview Snowden said he has heard from a reliable source that the government is ‘trying to bully the Hong Kong government into extraditing me’.

‘I will never feel safe,’ he said, adding that he has also not contacted his family because he fears their safety too.

‘Things are very difficult for me in all terms, but speaking truth to power is never without risk,’ he said. ‘It has been difficult, but I have been glad to see the global public speak out against these sorts of systemic violations of privacy

His interview comes two days after Snowden checked out of a Hong Kong hotel where he was interviewed by the Guardian newspaper, which first published the story.

Since then, he has been nowhere to be seen.  

They can check your WHOLE internet history. Edward Snowden speaks…

Lindsay Mills

 Left behind: Lindsay Mills, Snowden’s girlfriend, is said to be ‘barely holding on’ after he left abruptly

In the Guardian interview, he had said he wanted to avoid the media spotlight, noting he didn’t want ‘the story to be about me. I want it to be about what the U.S. government is doing’.

With little new information to report on Snowden or his whereabouts, focus has instead fallen on his American girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, a dancer who posted partially nude photographs of herself online before she also apparently disappeared.

Reporter Ewen MacAskill of Britain’s the Guardian newspaper, who interviewed Snowden for exclusive stories about his revelations, wrote late Tuesday that ‘it is thought’ Snowden was now in a private home in Hong Kong, but offered no details.

Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, who interviewed Snowden in Hong Kong, has given a series of interviews about the case, but refused to reveal any information about his location or his plans.

New information: Journalists film outside the headquarters of South China Morning Post in Hong Kong as the paper began to publish its interview with the whistleblowerNew information: Journalists film outside the headquarters of South China Morning Post in Hong Kong as the paper began to publish its interview with the whistleblower
Where is he? Snowden's whereabouts are unknown after he checked out of this hotel in Hong Kong on SundayWhere is he? Snowden’s whereabouts are unknown after he checked out of this hotel in Hong Kong on Sunday

The country has been divided in praising or condemning Snowden after he leaked information about a global eavesdropping operation, Prism, put in place by the government.

‘He’s a traitor,’ Boehner told ABC on Tuesday. ‘The disclosure of this information puts Americans at risk.  It shows our adversaries what our capabilities are. And it’s a giant violation of the law.’

Also on Tuesday, Snowden’s employers, Booz Allen Hamilton, announced that it has terminated his contract ‘for violations of the firm’s code of ethics and firm policy’.

It said that the claims he had leaked information were ‘shocking’ – and revealed that he was earning $122,000 rather than the $200,000 he told The Guardian he was paid.

As for his future prospects – although Hong Kong has an extradition treaty with the U.S., the document has some exceptions, including for crimes deemed political.

Keeping quiet: Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, who broke the story and interviewed Snowden at his Hong Kong hotel, has not revealed where the whistleblower is or what his future plans areKeeping quiet: Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, who broke the story and interviewed Snowden at his Hong Kong hotel, has not revealed where the whistleblower is or what his future plans are

Any negotiations about his possible handover will involve Beijing, but some believe China is unlikely to want to jeopardize its relationship with the U.S. over someone of little political interest to them.

Snowden also told The Guardian that he may seek asylum in Iceland, which has strong free-speech protections and a tradition of providing a haven for the outspoken and the outcast.

And even Russia has stepped up to say it would consider offering him political asylum if he sought it.

‘We will take action based on what actually happens. If we receive such a request, it will be considered,’ said the Russian president’s official spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
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  1. Pingback: Edward Snowden vows not to ‘hide from justice’ amid new hacking claims | Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News

  2. Pingback: Edward Snowden says US hacking Hong Kong and China for years | China Daily Mail

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