English: The United States Capitol in Washingt...

English: The United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

America’s history of boomtown came from discoveries like the California gold rush,  the oil boom, the cattle kingdom in Texas and  the Detroit auto industry. But in the 21st century, Washington D.C. has become the new boomtown in America, at the time when the rest of America has more than 8% unemployment rate and 47 million are on food stamp.

Government has become the most expanded and lucrative business in the nation’s capital and when private corporations finally  decided  to set up  a tent  on K Street, the  lobby district, in order to protect themselves from government and to keep up with its never ending new laws and regulations, private corporations have learned to hire lobby firms to wine and dine the elected politicians to promote their cause or to protect them from any government assault. Corporate America realized K Street lobbying has to become part of their budget  knowing  they may regret later on not playing the game Washington has told them to do. Also, 50% of former politicians become lobbysists after leaving office. Democrat Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada has sons active in lobbying, a business venture trending among Washington’s politicians for their families, friends and relatives.

Washington D.C.   today   has the highest consumption of fine wines in the country and has a booming fine dining restaurant industry. Its lamboghini  dealership that sells sports cars for $325,000 cannot keep up with its cash buyers. Private jets are booming in business  wherein airplane hangars are sold right away to jet owners. Last year,  more than 70,000 private jets landed in D.C. and along with these jets are chauffeured limousines awaiting at the airport to transport their fancy clients.

Washington D.C. has come a long way. It now has 7 out of 10 WEALTHIEST counties in the country. In 2012, 29% of the employer is the federal government with  workers   average   salary of $120,000 per year paid by taxpayers money. In 1969, wages were only 12% above national average. In 2010, it was 36% higher. Unlike normal businesses where they have to make decisions to cut unnecessary budgets and how to bring efficiency  on its labor and costs, government no matter what the state of the economy is, has a yearly budget increase of 678%, something no private business will ever do.

Sean Hannity‘s one-hour special “Boomtown” with guests Peter Schweizer of Government Accountability Institute and Stephen Bannon of Breitbart.com available at  www.foxnews.com.

Copyright 2013 Ketchie V. Schauf